Kris Dowsuparoj Kampira

Once upon a time, a cute little Thai girl was crazy about Kung Fu movies and secretly wanted to be a Kung Fu Master. However China was very far away and her parents wouldn’t let her go to carry water or climb the mountain. There was nothing else the cute little girl could do but keep the secret in her heart.

Time passed by. The cute little girl became an ugly old lady but the dream never died. Finally she found the love of her life in Little Red Dot Land. She knew this love would never let her down. After one and a half years, she decided to get married. Her adventure in Tai Chi’s world has just begun….

Based on true story of myself.

Tai Chi is my endless love. I find myself falling in love with it deeper and deeper every day.

Thanks to my Sifu Eddie, his decision to open Wu style Tai Chi Chuan to the public gave an opportunity to outsiders like me to have a taste of cherry. The passion for Tai Chi of my Si Gu Jie Ms Saw and Si Suk Mr Goon is an eye opener. They have shown me how beautiful & wonderful Tai Chi is. On top of that they are the learning shortcut. With the company of my fellow disciples and all the Si Gu and Si Suk at school, it makes my learning enjoyable and fun.

Others martial art experiences: Thai boxing and Kaewando (beginner)

Name: Kris Dowsuparoj Kampira
City: Sydney
Country: Australia
Disciple of: Grandmaster Eddie Wu Kwong Yu
Disciple year: 2006
Certification Date:  May 2010
Certification level: Beginner Level
Certifification School: Singapore Jian Chuan Tai Chi Chuan Physical Culture Association
Profession:  Technical Support Officer, Freelance Filmmaker