Evan Gee-Shing Leung

Evan Leung, Consultant, started training Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan with Sifu Genie Parker in August of 2000. In March of 2003, Evan became Sifu Genie's disciple during a ceremony presided over by Grandmaster Eddie Wu Kwong Yu. After having assisted with teaching at the Ann Arbor Academy, Evan started his own class in Saline on September 11, 2004. Evan continues to train under Sifu Genie and is familiar with the 108 Square Form, 54 Competition form, Broadsword, Double edge sword, and various push hands forms.

Name: Evan Gee-Shing, Leung
City: Canton
Province: Michigan
Country: USA
Contact Email: info@wustyle-annarbor.com
Disciple of: Genie Parker
Discipleship year: 2003
School: Wu's Tai Chi Chuan Academy, Ann Arbor
Profession: Consultant