Choo Sook Ching
I joined in 2005 after I saw an article in the local newspaper on the Singapore Jian Chuan Tai Chi Chuan Physical Culture Association. With my husband encouragement, both joined the Association and we are now the disciples of the Wustyle 5th generation Sifu Eddy Wu.
Before I become the disciple of Sifu Eddy Wu, Both my husband and I have some ideas about the prowess of Tai Chi Martial Art from our both Instructors Sigu Saw Phaik Hua and Sisu Goon Ark Leau. This encourages us to join the discipleship.
Name: Choo Sook Ching
City: Singapore
Country: Singapore
Disciple of: Grand Master Eddie Wu Kwong Yu
Disciple year: 2006
Disciple status: Teaching Disciple
Certification year: Dec 2014
Certification level: Beginners Level
School: Singapore Jian Chuan Tai Chi Chuan Physical Culture Association