Winifred Wong Ching Yee

I had been introduced to the world of Tai Chi by a former colleague, who once learned Yang’s Tai Chi Chuan in Taiwan. The gentle flowing movements with deep breathing and focused meditation inspired me a lot. In 1991, it was my fortune to follow Sifu Tony Chan Cheong Lap to learn Wu’s Tai Chi Chuan. His graceful defensive techniques enlightened me that soft overcoming hard was no longer meant literally. Tai Chi Chuan was not simply a type of physical training but a traditional Chinese martial art. His extensive knowledge, wisdom, and dedication to Wu’s Tai Chi Chuan captivated my curiosity and sparked a profound interest within me.


I have to express my greatest gratitude to Sifu to admit me as one of the disciples in 1997. His passion for the art of Tai Chi becomes a driving force for me to strive excellence. Last but not least, I wish to give millions of thanks to Chan Pui Wah Si Suk, Wai Shek Lin Si Hing and Wei Shek Kwai Si Hing who facilitate my learning in countless ways.


Name: Winifred Wong Ching Yee 黃靜儀
City: Hong Kong
Country: Hong Kong, China
Contact Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Disciple of: Tony Chan Cheong Lap
Disciple Year: 1997
Certification Date: November 1, 2023
Certification Level of Subject: Advanced Level
Certification School: Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan (Tony Chan) Learning Center