St. Barbara's Church Hall

Location Type: Teaching Disciple Certified Center
Chief Instructor: Sifu Pat Saults
Photo of Chief Instructor : 

Location: St. Barbara's Church Hall
Address: Rochester Road,

City: Coventry

Country: England

Contact: Email:

Class Schedule: Beginners classes: Fridays: 7:45 pm to 9:pm  

For class and registration inquiries, please email Sifu Saults at the contact email above.

Certified Level:  Advanced Level


Chief Instructor's Bio: 
I began studying Wu's Style Tai Chi Chuan at Wu's Tai Chi Chuan Academy (London UK) in 1993 and was very honoured to become a disciple of Sifu Wu Kwong Yu in 1996. I started the Cotswolds' Training Centre, Gloucestershire in 2000 and look forward to studying and teaching Wu Style Tai Chi for many years to come.

For more information on the Learning Center's Instructor or Disciples, go to the Menu Bar: Our Federation to see the lists of Certified Instructors and Disciples.